Warm season is here, so are the flies. Flies like cows a lot! They won't leave the cows alone. So the other day we went out to the property to spray them for flies. Black Pearl was being a pain in the butt, as always. She is always so skittish and suspicious of us so we put her through the chute so we could keep her contained and have her sprayed.
Black Pearl getting sprayed for flies. |
We also learned that it's important to keep the flies away from the cattle. Whatever it takes, whether you use the spray, or oral medicine etc, you try to keep the cattle flies free because between the flies sucking the cattle's blood and them constantly having to wag their tails around to shoo the flies away your cattle could actually have a hard time gaining weight or they might even lose weight.
Getting sprayed for flies is not her favorite thing to do. But it's a necessary evil. |